Man Videos Bigfoot Pushing Tree Down

Thinker Thunker takes a look at a piece of video supposedly showing a large tree being pushed over by a bigfoot. Which begs the question, if a tree falls in the forest, and someone is there to film it, did a sasquatch cause it to happen? Only Thinker Thunker can answer this one.


  1. Replies
    1. Bigfoot dwells in a physics bound world and a force is any interaction which tends to change the motion of an object. In other words, a force can cause an object with mass to change its velocity (which includes to begin moving from a state of rest), i.e., to accelerate. Force can also be described by intuitive concepts such as a push or a pull. A force has both magnitude and direction, making it a vector quantity. So, absolutely, we're on the verge of discovering this creature and we have science on our side.

    2. The fact that the tree was shaking and swaying says something was affecting the tree, and it wasn't just a tree that naturally fell over on a calm day. But I would have liked to have seen more of a bigfoot on the video.

    3. I'm very upset!! It seems some mad fool
      is stealing neighborhood pets,,cats& dog's. And taking them to the pound and
      Having them euthanized,,,
      I HAVE A FEELING THAT "SICKO" Big Jon Escaped From The Insane asylum,,,

  2. I watched that elephant video mentioned in TT's above video, and bloody hell, it has some power!

    1. Do you know what else bloody hell has some power? The foul odor of Bend Over's dingleberry covered butt cheeks!

  3. This bigfoot was trying to retrieve a plastic bag he had tied up this tree.

    1. In DS's hometown blue bags are easy to come by. Not so in N. California.

    2. Blue bags have been reported by alien abductees for years. Some believe them to be alien fecal matter one person even theorized they may even be alien probes using a cloaking technology to assume the shape of an innocent looking blue bag.

      I however am of the opinion they are markers left by Bigfoot so others of their species can follow.

    3. Yes they are used to mark the obvious highways and footpaths which wouldn't be noticeable otherwise.

    4. if a dog farts in the woods will some a-hole always try and attribute it to bigfoot?

    5. Very probably they will, and on youtube.

  4. Replies
    1. JREF is a skeptic religion site founded by gay magician James Randi. His husband may have also been on the board of directors at one time.
      The Bigfoot section over there is comprised of obsessed low character footers that have been banned from the BFF and other sites, prolific sock puppeteers, and suspected pathological liars. It's like the island of misfit footers who have to pretend to be skeptics because they landed at the last place that will have them.

      Hope this helps.

    2. Is he the same James Randi who exposed Uri Geller and Peter Poppoff as frauds?

    3. I'm sure most people figured out they were a magician and a fraud already. If he didn't "expose" Geller would you still have thought people could actually bend spoons with their mind ? Is that something you would have to be told was not true ?

    4. Yes, just like I need to be told that bigfoot is not real by geniuses like yourself.

    5. Can't you think for yourself ?

    6. @12:31 Sounds like you are butthurt.

    7. ^
      One of the clowns perfectly described by 12:31.

    8. 12:31 is just raging because Sykes did not prove a mythical ape exists... Again

    9. Probably what hurts more is your family witnessing the tragedy which is your life being wasted on the internet pretending to be a skeptic.

    10. Why would I have to pretend to be a skeptic? Perhaps other people would qualify posting here as wasting time, but that would apply to you as well.

    11. ^
      Teacher: What does your daddy do for fun at home when he's not working ?

      Kid : He looks up Bigfoot stuff.

      Teacher: Oh.

      Kid : He posts about it on a bunch of different websites and he also watches Bigfoot shows and has some books about it.

      Teacher: So he's a footer ?

      Kid : No, he says he's not like those idiots cuz he's a skeptic.

      Teacher: Sure he is.. LOL

    12. If I'm posting anonymously on a board (i.e. not in public) what's my motivation for "pretending to be a skeptic"? You seem to have this need to call other people what you are.

    13. 1:46... Are you aware that Sykes is due to present his findings in the proper channels? Don't set yourself and make yourself look like a total ignorant twonk, it's getting slightly pitiful.

    14. 2:21... Did he hit a nerve? Ha ha ha!! You're not clever enough to be a sceptic, and know nothing of the true meaning of the word.

    15. Joerg, I'm aware that your obsession with bigfoot has caused you to accept gleefully a patently racist theory that an African slave was an "ape woman" and "not human."

    16. Not really Joe. It's just seems somewhat strange to try to "pigeon hole" someone into a belief system or identity. It seems like name calling. I'm not referring to you as the German guy some of the trolls here have.

    17. 2:29... You can slap the faces of people who suffer real racism everywhere because you are too stupid to conjure a legitimate argument, but I'll never stop maintaining that Zana was a relict hominid, her son's skull morphology confirms this, and Sykes' latest study will shove that down your throat. Get busy...

      2:32... Your belief system is one that you clearly struggle to be content with. I have scientist friends who don't for one second believe in cavemen roaming the deep wilderness places of he planet, but they're confident enough in that stance not to have to reinforce it.

    18. 2:32... You sound like a nice person, I'm not trying to be offensive to you.

    19. Joerg, if your existence was not so focused on the crazy subject of bigfoot and you had more of a diverse knowledge base upon which to form opinions, you would have been aware of the history of racism and how Africans have been routinely portrayed by bigots as "ape-like" and "sub-human" in heinous efforts to justify slavery and segregation and as outrageous justifications for depriving Africans basic civil rights.

      If you had a hint of an idea of any of this deplorable legacy of ugly racism, you would have at least paused to reflect on how the theory that the unfortunate African slave Zana was "not human" and an "ape woman" exactly mirrors the history of racism.

      Even after the obvious racism of the Zana theory was explicitly explained to you, for some reason you continued to advance it without there being any apparent effect on your conscience.

      So yes, you are an ignorant and unrepentant racist and your opinions on any subject are therefore irreparably tainted by your disgusting beliefs.

    20. Zana who is described as having dark, greyish-black skin, bare on the face, but elsewhere she was covered in reddish-black hair. The hair on her head was a bit darker and formed a thick, tousled mane that hung down her back. Her face had a sloping forehead, prominent brows and cheekbones and massive jaws . Her nose was broad and flat, her eyes were reddish and she had large, strong white teeth. Her body was robust and muscular with well-developed breasts. She was tremendously strong, and also swift, able to even outrun a horse. Although she walked and ran upright on two legs, her arms were proportionately long and her toes could be widely splayed, especially the big toes which she could move separately...

      Back up evidence? Kwit's skull. Unusual features of Kwit's skull;
      *very wide eye sockets
      *elevated brow ridge
      *extra bone in neck
      *bigger all round
      *bigger teeth
      *bigger jaw bone
      *all this could suggest ancient as opposed to modern human origins

      "Maybe she isn't an African of recent origin at all but one from a migration out of Africa, maybe many tens of thousands of years ago, and that she comes from a relic population taking refuge in the Caucases mountains"
      - Dr Bryan Sykes' thought provoking alternative notion (Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project and active member of Bigfootology)

      "The results aired on the television shows do not compromise Bryan’s paper in peer review. The show is purely entertainment and as I said before, we had no control over it. So the concerns of some people who think that results revealed in the show are leaks from the paper are unfounded. We kept things quiet for so long, why would we suddenly “leak” anything? We are a professional organization and adhere to the proper scientific process."
      - Rhettman A. Mullis of Bigfootology

      You're scum for slapping people who suffer real racism in the face, sit tight chump... Sykes is coming.

      : )

    21. Oh... And that crazily consistent description before any Bigfoot pop culture. Scum... I've fought for more racial equality causes than you've had your moma fix you hot sandwiches.

      : p

    22. Thanks for confirming everything I wrote in the above post. Your "description" of Zana is taken from the racist slaveholders who captured the poor women. You might as well quote US southern slaveholders for their descriptions of African slaves and posit that as proof that all Africans are "not human."

      As for your second post, it was so poorly written that all I took from it was that you are emotionally shouting in an incomprehensible manner that you are not a racist. Well, your conduct shows your true character: a repulsive and sickening racist!

    23. Actually... The description of Zana, who was also 6.6 feet tall, is totally constistent with modern day accounts of Sasquatch... I confirmed only that of which lends to consistency predating popular knowledge of the widely reported anatomy of such creatures. Also... You do know that the slave trade stopped in the Caucuses before Zana's time, right?


      As for my second post, it blitzed you with basic skull morphology outside of any known African skull of the time you scum bags claim African people were being slaved around Europe. This is ridiculously easy stuff and is staring you straight in the face... You're a too stupid and you make having this who waaaaaaay too easy.

      Better luck next time.

    24. And you of course did not know that the slave trade was outlawed in the US in 1808 and yet thousands of slaves still existed in the country until the end of the Civil War -- sorry that would be burdening you with non-bigfoot knowledge. Now go read Wikipedia and give me a hackneyed response.

    25. I'm sorry, didn't I? What has the slave trade in the U.S. got to do with anything here? You sound a little keen to deflect there son, a bit of am embarrassing attempt I might add.

      How's this... Show me an African skull from the same period as Zana with the same morphology as Kwit, and you win.

      Do you see where this is going?

      : )

    26. Oh... And if you had an idea of your own country's history past Wikipedia, you'd know that the reasons that slavery was still going on in the U.S. past 1808, was because the entire economy of the South was reliant on it... This being one of the major gradual divides leading to the outbreak of the war. This was not the case in the Caucuses.


    27. Wow, you need everything spelled out for you, don't you? You apparently read in one of your bigfoot sources that the slave trade was outlawed in the Caucuses before Zana's time and that some genius concluded "Hey, that means Zana could not have been a slave! She must have been bigfoot!"

      And I just explained to you that when the slave trade was banned in the US, slavery itself continued to exist for two more generations. And you could not put two and two together and figure out how that was relevant, so I just did it for you.

    28. No... It's written in history books bro, rich you should claim anyone else is adherent to Wikipedia, eh? Considering all these factors, including Zana's description, then it all points to you looking a little silly, no?

      No... You compared the US slave economy to that of Eastern Europe of the time to support your vomit, and it is innacurate nonsense. Any luck with that African skull example?

    29. You're actually claiming the slavery and serfdom were not seminal components of the social and economic systems of the Ottoman Empire and Tsarist Russia?! Wow!

    30. Yesterday's weird game was F. Jones pretending to be hurt that no one would post their e-mail here so he could tell them about his BF encounter. Today's weird game is to accuse someone of being a racist with obviously absurd remarks.

      Its weird how the comments are disturbed by someone whose only aspiration is "playtime."

    31. 4:23... No, I'm claiming the economic reliances on slavery in comparison to that of US are not only a poor comparison, but also a deflection from what your biggest obstacle is at this time...

      Finding me a skull to support your vomit.

      : )

    32. Ha ha! It's hilarious when Joerg is getting destroyed in a debate, he calls in BenD Over for back up!

    33. Hey beforeitsnews boy, here's a few suggestions for you. 1: Stop stealing others editorials and sourcing them as your own. 2: Please discontinue using said editorial as a means to self-project onto others your own disgusting affliction. And third, hoist yourself up off that chair with the stuffing bursting out of it's sides, go upstairs and grab those 2 powder blue things that say 5lbs on them that your mom takes to Step Class, and try to get 20 reps out of those pussified arms of yours. I'm sure you can probably get closer to that achievement more so than your horrible attempt at trolling. Truss!

    34. 4:48... Did you manage to find a skull equivalent?

      (Tumbleweed goes by)

      Next time you stupid little psychos want to try and use the moral high ground to make up for the lack of common sense you have, just give me a shout... I'll be happy to mind bend you a little more.

    35. Sykes has theorised that Zana's ancestors could have come out of Africa more than 100,000 years ago and lived for many generations in the remote Caucasus regions. He believes Zana had a strain of West African DNA that belonged to a subspecies of modern humans. Sykes explained that while the woman, said to stand 6 feet 6 inches tall, was genetically 100 percent African, she showed little physical or genetic resemblance to any group living in modern Africa. In considering the amount of time her lineage has been in that region, and considering Zana's description, it irradicates any notion that Zana was transported there at that time via he slave trade...

      And you look pretty stupid as usual.

    36. ^^I noticed that you didn't deny that you are Joerg.

    37. Wow, it doesn't just disprove the notion -- it somehow "irradicates" it! That is some damned fine scholarly writing! Is this an old episode of Batman with sound effects written on the screen!

    38. I think you just got schooled bro... How does it feel? Join a long line of butthurts and run along before I hit you with a little more common sense.

    39. Hmm, I guess you need for me to spell it out for you again -- the word is "eradicates" -- not "irradicates." It would be a good idea for you to look up words that you've never used before so you can avoid appearing like a total buffoon!

    40. Joerg is getting destroyed

    41. Joerg should have stayed on strike.

    42. Joerg works in the publicity field

    43. Australian abo's would be a skull match for what you folks are a gibber jabberin
      About,,not west african, but most definitely east african,,Masai to be precise.. Sorry Genetic Fact!!

    44. I would be more inclined in getting your ducks in order than what I'm spelling... For example, it can't be very conducive to your self esteem that someone with such bad spelling should be teaching you various things about history, skull morphology or just plain old common sense, right?

      Oh and by the way Australian aborigines are not a genetic match for West African people in the 18th century. Interesting you should mention the archaic features of aborigines too, cause if you look at the forensic Sasquatch drawings of Harvey Pratt for example, you will see a major resemblance to the Otamid skull morphology.

      Facts are facts... Yes, and I guess ancient skull morphology not akin to group living in modern Africa, not even the Maasai, are the facts that are most important here.

    45. Oh, and just to round up... Zana was captured in the Caucuses, not traded off by anyone or transported. So, considering that the slave trade was not relied upon by the ruling power of the region, or even in place during Zana's predicament, and that Zana's descendants were resident in the area for many generations in line with the long history of Yeti reports in the region, AND that she had ancient skull morphology not akin to any genetics or African people in modern times that proves her descriptions by an entire community to be accurate... I think you'd better stick to spell checking rather than trying to convince people that some are racist because you're too stupid to come up with the goods... It's not really coming off for you.

    46. "They will be published in the regular scientific press so I can't be more specific,"

      A complaint is in!!!!!!!! I mean a big complaint!!!

    47. Sorry kid... You're not that important.

  5. Why think for myself when I can learn the truth from your brilliantly written musings which so eloquently highlight the fact that a certain person is gay? I consider myself fortunate that you have enlightened me of such an important matter.

    1. What are you babbling about ?

    2. He's telling you to go back to school.

    3. What he or she is saying 1:12 is that he or she doesn't need to think for him/her self when he or she has someone else to learn from with their brilliantly written musings which so eloquently highlight the fact that a certain person is gay? he or she considers his or her self fortunate that he or she has been enlightened of such an important matter xx

    4. Eva, you summarized 12:59's post wonderfully!

    5. 12:59 is homophobic in reverse or ashamed that Randi is a gay man. I'm sure Randi isn't ashamed of his sexuality or his husband.

    6. Thank you,i find copy and paste very helpful xx

    7. Excellent point 1:52! Homosexuals have certainly never suffered discrimination in our society and when someone pointedly refers to someone as gay, then there is no reason to suspect that the person is doing so in a pathetic attempt to discredit the other person -- especially when the remainder of the post undermines the other person's credibility so effectively. Thank you for highlighting the matter!

    8. Footers are just as discriminated against as are gay people apparently.

    9. And likewise, the bible refers to footers as an "abomination".... Also, I am against footer marriage

  6. Sykes new book contained zero, yes you read correctly, ZERO bigfoots. Joe got BLOWN THE F*CK OUT....for the 2nd time.

    Smoked like DWA at a science seminar.

    1. No, footers are just very low on evidence.

    2. ^
      Look at this asshole. A footer calling footers, footers. Do you pretend to be a skeptic because you think it makes you look like less of an asshole for being obsessed with a mythical creature ?

    3. The difference is you apparently believe, I do not- nor am I obsessed. It's not hard bro, really.

    4. Can't say I've read the book as of yet... But...

      "They will be published in the regular scientific press so I can't be more specific,"
      - Bryan Sykes

      ... Tick, tock, tick, tock... 1:58, d'you want some evidence?

    5. leon's in full jref mode today.....remember we are many

    6. "The difference is you apparently believe, I do not- nor am I obsessed. It's not hard bro, really."

      Stop lying and I don't blame you for being embarrassed.

    7. So if Sykes is being vague, is there really any telling what his study will really be about? Last time it was about a polar bear that turned out to be disputed later.

    8. They believe more than anyone, it's just that they're scared of their parents/peers finding them on a Bigfoot blog and getting shouted at, so they post like haters to keep safe but get their concerns about the authenticity of the subject addressed in their rehashed Scientism mantras.

    9. 2:16... It's not being vague, it's respecting the scientific protocol. Sykes' expertise is human lineages, be patient... Just a little longer.

      : )

    10. Joe, really that is a funny theory. You can invent scenarios to explain people's behaviors but it doesn't make it any more true. So is Sharon Hill a closet "footer"?

    11. Well it's one of two scenarios in fact; either you're a closet enthusiast or not confident enough in your belief system that you require reinforcing it daily.

      Keep up the good work "sceptic"... You're doing your theory group so proud.

    12. What ever you have to tell yourself, Joe. It can only be one of two scenarios.

    13. Listen bro, I'm sure you're a nice person... Just letting you know that actions speak louder than anything.

    14. Do you have any fudge I can borrow Joerg?

    15. HEY DICKFACE -------------------------------------------------------- 2:07 ----------- I DON'T GO TO THAT SIGHT AND FROM WHAT I CAN TELL, I DON'T LIKE THE COMMIE JACK-ASSES THAT DO!


    16. Man Leon just had a major meltdown when his love sponge, Joerg, got insulted.

  7. Mr Frank Evans,

    Do you know what John W Jones thinks the bigfoot population might be and do bigfoot individuals look quite different from each other like we do?

    Thanks Eva xx

    1. Perhaps we all look the same to Bigfoot ; )

      So is John W. Jones a real person?

    2. no....some troll playing joe like a fiddle at the sap convention

    3. by the way doe's anyone know when ds's bigfoot money video comes out?....guess they use pinecones as cash now

    4. They could use those pine cones at the Best Buy in his videos to buy electronics.

    5. Eva, John and I discussed this subject (Bigfoot population) many, many times. He has no good data to make a judgment on this, nobody has. He thinks the population is very low, and they live in sporadic pockets according to food sources etc

      He doesn't believe they are in every state in the U.S. as some may think. and they mostly live in very remote, hard to get to Wilderness areas.

      He believes they migrate and live a nomadic existence (They move a lot) so it would be very hard to get an accurate population percentage.

      The U.S. is huge, and heavily forested and very rugged. A 100 Big foots could be living in a 20 mile square area, and you will never see one.

      Canada is even bigger , less populated with humans and heavily forested, There probably are way more Bigfoots in Canada!

      .There is no way in hell to get a count, it is all Guess work.

      John believes each one is different, just like us. Members of his team have seen several different types. The more Ape looking, and the more human looking. . .

      The questions you asked are hard to give a definitive answer. Much more research is needed, but most Researchers cannot spend a lot of the time required to do proper research, and most do not travel deep into the wilderness at all.

      John W. Jones is a real person. He is well known in the Catskills, and in the Rodeo circuit. Trolls attack him, and other researchers that use their names and comment here. Most are young punk computer nerds "Girly boys", and would never, ever enter real woods.

      Mr. Frank Evans

    6. Also Eva, I was a die-hard skeptic for many years, and use to kid John, all the time, saying he was nuts. (We were business partners in several businesses for over 20 years).

      But seeing and hearing John and his team members sightings and encounters were very interesting, but never swayed me Until I saw their "Bigfoot Cliff Video" and I saw the reaction on a certain well-known primate expert, at the Museum of Natural history, and the reaction from a well-known rock climber.
      I am beginning to think John is right, and I may be wrong. At 82, it's hard to admit your wrong, especially to a young wiper snapper of 63 years old.

      Any other questions, post them here, I will find them. Obviously, I have a lot of time on my hands and like reading these comments. A lot are very funny. John's friend and fellow Welshmen Joe, really put up a good fight against these Trolls!

      Mr. Frank Evans

    7. Hello Frank! Joe says "hello" and hopes you, John and all his dearest are ok.

      Love your comments Frank.

    8. John Jones Spoke is a confirmed bigfoot hoaxer. pay him no attention.

    9. I thought you would say that Joerg, because he is a character you like to play.

  8. Somewhere in Georgia, "repented" Rick Dyer is dreaming up his next Bigfoot hoax. That is unless he has already moved into the double wide in Vegas. In that case, he is dreaming it up there.

  9. .. Is it possible that there is something heavy up in the top of that tree .. that came down with it ?? .. Maybe a closer look may answer that ...

  10. Bigfoot can push trees over while invisible. In other words, we are all sssscreeeewed.

  11. Last!
    Another worthless piece of "evidence".


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